Thursday, November 7, 2019

Competitive programming quickstart guide

How to become a Competitive Programmer in 2 hours:

This guide works for you if you are have never solved problems online before and you know how to code a `for loop` and you know what `arrays` are in any programming language.

Step 1: Register in ProjectEuler and solve this problem. You can solve this offline and submit the solution in the textbox. This should take you 15 minutes.

Step 2: Solve this problem and submit the solution in the text box. This should take you 30 minutes.

Step 3: Register in SPOJ and solve this problem. Note that you've to submit your source code. This should take you 15-30 minutes.

Step 4: Solve this problem and submit your source code. This should take you 30 minutes.

You can spend the remaining time in any problem in case you get stuck. 

Congrats! You are officially a competitive programmer now.

  • Let me know if this guide worked for you in comments and let me know how long it took for you.
  • If you are able to complete this guide, you can gradually increase difficulty and practice on your way to become a topcoder!